Suriname’s tropical climate is perfect for growing tropical fruit! We started growing Tropical fruit for our organization Seeds Del Mundo. Our mission was simple: seek tropical fruit seeds from tropical areas around the world that we could grow on our farm. We have searched far and wide and are currently growing fruits from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Mexico but also the USA and Europe. During our tropical fruit growing journey we fell in love with, in our eyes, one of the most unique fruits to have ever crossed our eyes: The Dragon Fruit. We started growing the tropical Pitaya on our farm about a couple years ago and we haven’t stopped expanding since. Our farm now has a huge plot of land available just for growing dragon fruit cuttings! Our love for Dragon Fruit is the reason we have decided to start DragonFruitCutting.com, a farm that specializes in selling, you guessed it, dragon fruit cuttings!
More than 12 years of farming experience!
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us by sending an email to [email protected] or simply just click on the button below! We aim to answer your question within 2 working days via email.